The Eaco System has five key levels of Permissioning:

  • Instances: An "Instance" of Eaco is an Organisation that has been set up within Eaco. 

  • Users: A user is an individual person. Each User has their own username and password. Eaco user can belong to a number of Instances/Organisations. 

  • User Groups: A User Group is a set of Permissions (set Instance by Instance / Organisation by Organisation) that specify what the Users that belong to that User Group can do. The permissions in User Group are effectively broken up by each Module in the Eaco Control Centre (Boards, Finance, Networks, etc). The permissions in each User Group specify whether a User that belongs to that User Group can (a) See the Module or not, (b) Add to and/or Edit Data in any Modules they can see, or (c) Only view data in a Module. NOTE 1: A User's permissions are an amalgamation of all the permissions for all the User Groups they are a member of in a particular instance. So if a User is part of multiple User Groups, they will be able to do everything that any User is able to do within any of the User Groups that they are part of. NOTE 2: The only two exception to this rule is when an Admin User (a) gives themselves access to Eaco Lite Permission, this has the reverse impact and consequently locks the Admin User (locks themselves) out of Eaco by giving a non-admin group they’re also a member of the “Eaco Lite Only” permission, and/or (b) ticks the Hide Timeline button.

  • Modules: The Modules are effectively the items in the Menu at the top of the page when you log into the Desktop Version of Eaco (what we call the Control Centre). The Modules are listed in the System Features section of the main Eaco Systems website (see: ). The Modules include Dashboard, Boards, Networks, Finance, Reporting, Contacts, etc). 

  • Suppliers: Suppliers are (normally) external organisations/contractors/sub-contractors that are allocated work by you. Each Supplier has its own (lite) Instance of Eaco, and can only see Jobs/Work Orders that have been allocated to them by you within that (mini) Instance.

Drilling Down Even Deeper

Admin Level Controls / Configuring the Eaco System

The most powerful configurations of the Eaco System should be locked down to "Admin Users" (a User Group only for your most trusted users). This User Group should be the only one that you provide access to:

  • Use the Business Configuration Module: This enables Users with this permission to add Users and add/edit User Groups and User Group permissions.

  • Use the Works Management Configuration Module: This enables Users with this permission to add/edit all of the Works Management Rules and Configurations (i.e. Workflows, Tasks/Task Groups, Programmed Maintenance Jobs, Triggers, Managed Properties, Job Templates, Invoice Schemas, etc). The new PDF User Guides are fantastic at describing how to use all of the different options in the Works Management Configuration Model, see: 

User Level Controls

Large Organisations can use both Instances and User Groups to control what users can access each part of the Eaco System. For example, some large organisations:

  • Have separate "Instances" for different divisions, as well as separate Instances for particular large contracts.

  • Have particular "User Groups" set up within each "Instance" that controls what Users can see and do within each Instance.